About me

Hey there, I’m Bogdan.
Journalism graduate turned freelance graphic designer.

It may sound strange to most how different the spectrum of my expertise is but deep down, I have always known that being in a creative space and working in an upbeat, dynamic culture of art and design is something I have always wanted to do.

My journey towards becoming a freelance graphic designer is pretty straightforward. I decided to pick up Photoshop one day and that was when it hit me: this is it. Working in a creative space perfectly illustrates the quote “If you do something you love, you never have to work a day in your life” because every sleepless night only made me more passionate about what I do.

Passion, drive and determination are some of the ingredients to my motivation in becoming a graphic designer and I believe are truly the essence of who I am.

I’m always open to new ideas and new challenges so if you’d like to say “Hi!”, drop me a mail at bogdan@doipixeli.ro.